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Wednesday, 21 March 2012

S&P Trading at 1700?

S&P 500 Trading Higher

The last month or so has seen the S&P grind slowly higher amidst incredibly low volatility. The VIX touched a four year low earlier this week as it closed below 15, and all the while the S&P is only trading in one direction – upwards. A recent forecast had the S&P reaching 1700 by year end, which would certainly put it at the top of the range of estimates, so I thought it’d be worthwhile to take a look at how the S&P could possibly take out such a high level in just 9 months.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Uranium Prices Going Higher?

What’s Driving Uranium Prices?

Uranium prices used to be the talk of the town – the commodity with perfect fundamentals and massive profits from those trading uranium miners – but in more recent times it’s practically dropped off the face of the earth. Or is less advantageous to remove anyway. The price skyrocketed from $20/lb in 04/05 to $135/lb in 2007, but was crushed during the global financial crisis, and then again by the Japanese disaster and investors shied away from riskier commodities. So is this the end for the uranium mining companies? Just because they're always impressive, here's the Ranger Mine in Australia.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Gold Price Volatility

Gold Price in a Liquidity Trap

The gold price was in focus this week, recording some unusual volatility levels, and giving trading models all over the world a good workout. Front month volatility in equity markets is grinding lower once again, although the later months have shown no signs of declining, suggesting the market isn't rife with complacency just yet. And why would it be? A liquidity vacuum on Wednesday drove precious metal prices lower by 5%, but if you were caught in it at least be reassured by the fact that it no doubt hurt Paulson far more than you.